The Tweedsmuir Nechako Reservoir Canoe Circuit

The perfect adventure for experienced paddlers, this multi-day canoe circuit into the Bulkley-Nechako region's prestige wilderness south of Burns Lake. 

The circuit starts at Ootsa Lake. As your journey takes you further west into Whitesail lake you get closer to Tweedsmuir Park and the coastal mountains. The Chikamin rail portage (500m) brings you in to Eutsuk Lake. There you will be surrounded with breathtaking views of the coastal mountain range. Pondosy Bay, in perfect conditions, will welcome you with serenity so clear and calm you could hear a pin drop. Take your time to enjoy this magnificent scenery.

At the End of Eutsuk Lake you will approach the Redfern Rapids. There you will find a 600 m portage, which leads you around the Rapids. Now you paddle the slow-moving Redfern River which brings you to Tetachuck Lake, where you will soon see Tetachuck Lake Wilderness Lodge on your left.

Take a brake at the lodge for a hot shower, a soft bed, and get spoiled with a freshly prepared meal.

Onwards, you'll be enveloped by the picturesque rolling hills along Tetachuck Lake, Tetachuck River, into Euchu Lake all the way to Jim Smith Point. Turn around into Natalkuts Lake which brings you back to Ootsa Lake. 

Ample opportunities to camp through your journey are available in Tweedsmuir Provincial Park. We ask guests to please remember to pack out what they pack in and exercise caution while on the water as the wind can quickly pick up, especially from Jim Smith Point to the ranger station and on Whitesail Lake. We recommend to leave early in the morning to get a better chance of calm water. We advise you to always paddle near the shore and to wear your life jacket at all times. As the Nechako area is known for being a bear country, please pay close attention to the storage of your food and any other scented items, carrying bear spray is recommended. 

The circuit exists because of the Kenney Dam, and much of the shoreline has dead forest in the water, please exercise caution when approaching shorelines to avoid colliding into deadheads under water. 

We suggest to paddle the circuit as described because of the Redfern Rapid. This way the portage is only 600m, the other way around it would be 5km. 

Additional left:

Lakes District Air

Nechako Lodge

Pondosy Bay

Read the story of Frank Daly who did the circuit with his friends.